Hey Chris, I saw above in your breakdown you mentioned "filler words". What are filler words, and why would I want to remove them?
Filler words are words that we all use to substitute the words we want to use to make a statement. Words like ums and hms and so forth. The removal of these filler words will create a more seamless audio experience for your listeners.
Hey Chris, what the heck is de-essing and all that other stuff you're talking about?
When we speak into microphones, there are certain words that create more pressure on the microphone. That pressure results in more emphasized sounds. If you said the words, "Sara seeks to see Sam in Santa Fe", the emphasis would be placed on all the words that begin with the letter 'S'. That emphasis causes the microphone to work harder to reproduce that sound before it becomes louder from the pre-amplifier. This emphasis can distort the audio, resulting in a strident sound. No one wants to hear strident audio. If you want a smooth listening experience for your listener, those emphasized words need to be wrestled down to fit with the rest of your audio recording.
Hey Chris, what is an ID3 Tag, and why do I need this in my audio content?
When you open iTunes or any other popular audio player, each track of audio has embedded data to help the player organize the audio based on whatever feature you select. This data will include dates of creation, content titles, and other types of information relating to the audio. The more information I provide, the best organization. This information can include titles, audio length, etc.
Hey Chris, what are show notes and why are they important?
Show notes detail, very briefly, the content of your recorded audio. These notes communicate to the listener what the audio is trying to communicate to them. These notes also contain "keywords", which search engines, like Google and Bing, observe to connect searchers with your content, provided your content is what is being sought.
Hey Chris, what kind of sound fx do you add to the recorded audio we send you?
It depends on what you want me to add. The sound fx that you ask me to add can be added anywhere in the audio. I would ask that if you are providing the sound fx that you assure the file is not copyright protected. This is important because it protects us both from legal actions resulting in the unauthorized use of copyrighted audio files. That would be a big issue. So before you ask me or send me the audio files, please make sure it it is cleared to be used by you. If you ask me to do the search for the sound fx, you can be sure that I will select sound fx that can be used for such purposes. The same considerations apply to audio backing tracks, which are songs; additionally, the same rules apply to audio tags.
Hey Chris, what's equalization?
Equalization is a procedure involving an equalizer, which is used to adjust the tonal balance of the audio. This adjustment will result in an more even and more pleasing sound of all the audio elements included in the audio project. From the vocal recording to the audio tags to the backing audio--all of these elements would benefit from equalization, so they all "fit" together to create a cohesive sound. Think of a radio news segment.
Hey Chris, what is compression and soft limiting?
Audio compression is the reduction of louder parts of your audio to match the softer parts. Soft limiting is the loudening of the overall audio. All the audio we hear on the television, in movies, and on the radio has been compressed and limited. This is a desirable affect because of the smooth listening experience it provides to listeners. When we hear a loud explosion in a Michael Bay film after a whisper of dialogue from an actor, we don't wince in pain because the explosion was compressed to match the softness, or vice a versa. Therefore compression and limiting are elements of professionally tailored audio meant to be heard in a variety of listening environments.
Hey Chris, what is gating and sidechaining?
We install window screens to allow for air to freely flow to and from our home, but we also want to keep out bugs. That is a similar concept of gating in audio. Gating is the process by which we eliminate the audio we don't want while allowing the audio we do want. Furthermore, when we listen to a news segment or a commercial on the radio or on the television, we can hear the narrator over background music. That combination of both audio elements works when we hear it because the narration is "riding" above the background music. A helpful visual is to think of a cyclist riding along a hilly mountainside, where they are clearly flowing up and down the terrain. This is exactly what sidechaining does for vocal audio. This smooth flow of audio is another touch of professionally tailored audio.
Hey Chris, What file transfer system do you use to receive audio content from clients?
I use DropBox to download and to upload your audio files. Dropbox is a secure and professionally designed file transfer platform that is well regarded in a variety of industries.
Hey Chris, Do you only edit and mix audio from podcasts and voice talent projects?
I also edit and mix audio that you would call miscellaneous, which could fall in many categories. What I do not edit or mix are songs to be used for commercial use. If there is music or sound fx that you would like included in your podcast, for example, I do handle those. They are apart of the final product; therefore, they are fair game.
Hey Chris, How to you accept payment for your services?
I prefer Paypal, as it provides a safe user experience for both parties. In the future, I may add more options, but right now Paypal is the preferred payment method for Counterpoint Sound Worx.
Hey Chris, What digital audio workstation do you use to edit and to mix audio clients send you?
I use Pro Tools HD for absolutely everything relating to editing and to mixing. In my opinion, it is the best software designed for audio engineers in the field of audio post-production. There are many other platforms from which to choose; however, I have been using Pro Tools HD for so long. It never lets me down. Most of the audio you hear on the radio and the television, at some point in the production process, more than likely was treated in Pro Tools HD.
Hey Chris, How long does it take for you to edit and to mix audio files we send you?
It depends on your publishing schedule and the size of your audio content. Once we discuss your needs, we will agree on how quickly the turn-around time should be to suit your content creation plan.
Hey Chris, If we have any more questions for you, how do we get in contact with you?
All of my contact information is located in the footer section at the bottom of every page of this business. I will always get back to you as soon as possible. Always!